Tomato – Amish Paste




This is the first year I will grow Amish Paste, but it certainly has a wide following among gardeners.  I understand it as the tomato to beat when it comes to sauce with great flavor and texture.  One of my favorite youtube channels, Unemployed Redneck Hillbilly Creations, is based out of New York and he’s a big fan of this tomato.  I’m certainly excited to give it a try this year.

Amish past is indeterminate and open-pollinated.  Our seed for this variety comes from Fedco.

Our tomato plants come as single plants in 4″ pots ready to plant.

We’ll be sowing tomatoes in late March to have them ready for pickup in the end of May or early June.   Plant tomatoes in the garden after last frost, so for us that’s 5/30 – 6/6

Image credits:
“Amish paste tomato” by terri_bateman is licensed under CC0 1.0