Cucumber – Marketmore 76




Our cucumbers will be available as single plants for $6.99, in 4 inch pots, in late May.


We’ve always enjoyed cucumbers in the vegetable garden.  We like to trellis them up wire fencing mounted to simple t-posts.  This helps to keep them under control, as otherwise they can pretty much take over and it helps get them up off the ground.  Previously, we’ve really enjoyed National which is a great pickling cucumber.  We always ate it raw as well as pickled, but this year we’re giving another heirloom a try … Marketmore 76.  Fedco describes this cucumber as the classic slicer for the northeast, so we’ll give it a try this year.  As described with our squash, we have had trouble with cucumber beatles over the last several years and while cucumbers are pretty easy to seed direct, we’ve found giving them the head start inside helps them survive the beetles.


Our seed is open-pollinated and from Fedco.

Image credit:
Marketmore 76 Slicing Cucumber, Fedco Seeds