Garlic Chives




Our Garlic chives are grown from seed and come in a single 4″ pot.


Garlic chives, Allium tuberosum, is a cold-hardy perennial plant similar to regular chives with a strong garlic flavor.  They are common in Chinese cuisine, but add a tough of garlic flavor to any dish.  I love them in salad dressing vinaigrette and featured in a simple omelette.

Garlic chives grow pretty white small flowers in the summer which make a nice bouquet but they are also very popular with bees and other pollinators.  They will spread a bit via self seeding over time, but certainly not a nuisance.

Many sources lists garlic chives as cold hardy down to zone 3 though Fedco mentions zone 4.

Our garlic chives seed is open pollinated.  Seedlings this year will come from both Wild Garden Seed and Fedco.


Image credits:
“Garlic chives” by wallygrom is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
“Garlic Chives with Bee 005” by mnchilemom is licensed under CC BY 2.0